Scuba Diving Travel Insurance

Every tourist going abroad and planning to go scuba diving has to take out scuba diving travel insurance. This is the only document that covers the cost of expensive treatment if an emergency happens. For this purpose, it’s necessary to choose a policy with diving insurance.

Common Types of Diving Injuries and Their Symptoms

A diver sits on a wet pier and holds on to the railing, with an air tank behind him and blue water and a yacht in the background

Several injuries described in the table below are related to scuba diving sports. They’re dangerous not only to the health of divers but also to their life. That’s why it’s necessary to take out an insurance policy.

Type of injuries Reason
Injuries got from oceanic inhabitants Interaction with the underwater world, such as sea urchins or vegetation (corals)
Burns followed by severe pain Contact with some sea creatures resembles a severe lashing that can cause paralysis
Itches, burning, skin redness, and irritation Reaction to water composition, touching sea animals, etc.
Allergic reactions They appear because of underwater creatures’ bites
Electric shock High probability of electric shock due to interaction with eels and stingrays
Squeezes Organ rupture, face squeeze, gas embolism, dental injuries

Many damages pose a severe threat to tourists, so diving insurance is a must. However, travelers don’t always decide to buy diving insurance. It should be their initiative that will probably save a family budget.

Choosing the Right Insurance for Divers

a girl in a blue swimsuit with a snorkel and diving goggles shows an "ok" gesture.

Before buying an insurance policy, clarify if the following options are available:

  • coverage territory;
  • coverage period;
  • services, for which an insurer pays in case of an insured event.
Attention! When drawing up a contract with an agent, include additional services to its price at your wish.

We recommend it to include such options for your diving insurance:

  1. Visiting a hospitalized insured tourist by a third person in a hospital.
  2. Return of children to their home country if an insured person undergoes hospital treatment.
  3. Covering the price of search and rescue operations.
  4. Insurance against accidents during a dive.
  5. Opportunity to buy luggage insurance for luggage, mainly if it includes sports equipment.
Need to Know! If you are planning to go diving during your trip, remember that tourist insurance does not cover the risks associated with this sport, so it is recommended to buy separate diving insurance.

Sport Travelling Company Recommendations

a sign in the form of an arrow attached to a tree that says scuba diving against a background of blue sky and blue ocean

A lot of tourists are fond of diving. However, this sport is associated with many risks that threaten health and life. Many injuries and diseases are treated only in the therapeutic pressure chamber. According to the feedback received from travelers, such treatment is of outrageous price. So, it’s advisable to take out insurance for divers.

The main recommendations for starting divers:

  • dive on a conservative program;
  • use diving gadgets;
  • follow the diving positions;
  • slowly rise after a dive;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water every day;
  • make safe stops.

Diving insurance from sportravelling allows you to buy a relaxing vacation. And here, an insurance price is of secondary importance.


Why is it necessary to be insured for scuba diving?

Diving is a dangerous sport that comes with a variety of risks. In addition, treatment of diving injuries is of very high cost.

Do I need to make separate insurance if I have travel insurance?

Travel insurance doesn’t cover injuries and accidents that may happen while scuba diving. Therefore, you need to add different options to your insurance policy.

What determines the cost of scuba diving insurance?

The cost of scuba diving insurance depends on a coverage area, a policy term, and a package of services that a tourist wants to include.

Sport Travelling