Travel Insurance for Extreme Jumps

Travel insurance for extreme jumps is a necessary element of preparation for a trip that involves active leisure. Having all the necessary equipment and being accompanied by an instructor cannot completely eliminate the risk of injury during extreme jumps. Obtaining special international insurance before traveling abroad will protect you from additional expenses and allow you to fully immerse yourself in your vacation.

Why Do You Need Insurance for Extreme Jumps from Height

A man jumps above a river against a forest background with a rope on his back

Undoubtedly, extreme activities can provide a lot of exciting experiences and make your long-awaited trip to Europe or other countries even more memorable. Unfortunately, adrenaline and an outburst of emotions do not eliminate the risks associated with sports such as bungee jumping or base jumping, and an accident can happen even to the most physically fit tourist. To prevent your thrilling journey from turning into a nightmare and to avoid adding medical expenses to your list of costs, travel insurance for extreme jumps comes in handy.

Attention! Travel insurance for extreme jumps is available to all citizens, regardless of their athletic training and other factors. However, the price of the insurance policy varies depending on age: insurance will cost more for individuals under 18 years old and tourists over 65 years old.

What Expenses Does the Insurance Policy Cover

Risks covered by the insurance policy:

  • injuries that occur during the coverage period;
  • expenses for transporting the injured person, hospitalization, and treatment;
  • disability and loss of earning capacity due to injury;
  • death of the tourist as a result of an accident.

Risks not covered by the policy:

  • intentional self-inflicted injuries;
  • injuries sustained while intoxicated;
  • exacerbation of chronic illnesses.
Additional Information! During the COVID-19 pandemic, unforeseen expenses related to quarantine measures may occur. All our policies cover outpatient treatment for COVID-19.

Extreme Jumps in Different Countries and Their Features

Country Location Height Type Requirements Cost Accessibility
New Zealand Queenstown 134 m Bungee Jump Certified instructor, minimum age of 16 years $300 Easy
USA Grand Canyon 220 m Bungee Jump Certified instructor, minimum age of 18 years $500 Restrictions
Switzerland Lucerne 150 m Bungee Jump Certified instructor, medical certificate, minimum age of 18 years $400 Easy
Australia Sydney 134 m Bungee Jump Certified instructor, minimum age of 18 years, medical certificate $350 Restrictions
Switzerland Interlaken 430 m BASE Jump Certified instructor, BASE jumping experience, medical certificate, minimum age of 18 years $800 Restrictions
Norway Lysfjord 1,000 m BASE Jump Certified instructor, BASE jumping experience, medical certificate, minimum age of 18 years $1200 Restrictions
France Chamonix 90 m Bungee Jump Certified instructor, minimum age of 16 years $250 Easy
Important! In all cases mentioned in the table, additional insurance may be required, which specifically includes the type of jump in the coverage policy.

How to Choose the Most Advantageous Insurance

a picture of a man in a black suit holding his hands and there's an icon of an airplane and travel insurance

To apply for insurance online, you need to provide information about each insured individual. You can also choose the duration of the policy’s validity and the amount of coverage.

The cheapest travel insurance for extreme jumps will only be valid during your trip, meaning it’s a one-time insurance. However, if you plan to have multiple trips, it’s better to choose multi-trip insurance – it will cover all of them. Annual insurance is a contract with the maximum duration, which can apply to one or multiple trips.

Travel insurance for trips abroad will help you feel safe throughout your journey and avoid unforeseen expenses. Don’t take on additional risk for yourself and your loved ones – get insurance that covers expenses in case of injury.


How to protect yourself from injuries during the trip?

In addition to obtaining insurance, carefully review the reviews left by tourists about companies providing bungee jumping services or other types of jumps.

What to do in case of an injury?

Immediately go to the hospital and start treatment, keeping all receipts and statements. Contact the insurance company to claim compensation no later than 30 days from the date of the accident.

What is the duration of the policy?

Tourist insurance for extreme jumps can be obtained for a single trip, multiple trips, or up to one year.

Sport Travelling