Surfing Travel Insurance

Surfing is considered a hazardous sport that requires physical training, agility, and endurance. Tourists planning to conquer ocean waves should have a basic understanding of the details of this activity and undergo training. Even experienced surfers should take out surfing insurance before a trip. Sport Travelling offers the best prices for surfing insurance.

Why Surf Insurance is a Must-Have for Your Trip

A surfer with a crushed nose in a black wetsuit smiles and holds his blue board, which shows drops of blood on it

The ocean is a powerful force of nature, whose changeable mood reminds mood swings of the most capricious woman. Thus, follow the professionals’ advice.  They say that every time getting into the surf, remember significant risks to life. So, buy surfing insurance that works anywhere in the world. This is especially important for travelers and athletes chasing giant waves.

Surfing travel insurance covers:

  • emergency hospitalization;
  • injuries and bodily harm treatment;
  • damages in case of disability;
  • insurance compensation in case of death.
Need to know! If a tourist chooses low-priced surfing travel insurance, it should still cover the central insured claims related to this extreme sport.

Types of Surfing Travel Insurance

an insurance agent in a black suit and red tie stands on a surfboard on a wave

Sport Travelling offers the following insurance options for surfing fans:

  • for one or multi-trips abroad;
  • for one year;
  • for trips to competitions abroad;
  • for children with 24-hour protection from injuries.

You can buy insurance at a favorable price that covers accidents while surfing and during the rest for children.

Surfing travel insurance covers the most common injuries:

  • injuries and soft tissue bruises;
  • joint dislocation and ligament tension;
  • traumatic brain and eye injuries;
  • fractured limbs.
Important! As per feedback from avid surfers, most injuries happen due to poor physical condition or lack of warming up before surfing the waves. Sometimes warming up the major muscle groups saves athletes from damage. So, it is so important to buy a surfing insurance policy before going to the ocean.

Surfing Injuries: Types and Costs of Treatment at Popular Resorts

surfer performs dangerous stunt on blue wave

The table below lists the different types of injuries that can occur while surfing and describes them.

Trauma Description
Craniocerebral trauma A head injury that can occur when your head hits the bottom of the ocean or other objects. This can result in concussion, cerebral hemorrhage, decreased vision, impaired movement coordination, and other serious consequences.
Spinal injuries A bump or fall in the water can cause spinal injuries that can be extremely dangerous and even lead to paralysis.
Limbs Surfing can cause a variety of limb injuries, including sprains, strains, fractures, and abrasions.
Eyes Water droplets and sand can get into the eyes, leading to irritation, inflammation and even infection.
Ears Surfing can cause a variety of ear injuries, including ruptured eardrums and ear infections.
Skin Injuries Sunlight and salt water can cause various skin injuries such as burns, rashes and dryness.
Traumas of ligaments and joints Surfing can cause ligament and joint injuries such as sprains, strains, and sharp joint pain.

Below we look at the average price of treatments at the most popular surf resorts

Type of injury Resort Average cost of treatment (USD)
Craniocerebral trauma North Shore, Оаху 50,000
Kuta, Bali 22,500
Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka 11,500
Spinal injuries North Shore, Оаху 25,000
Kuta, Bali 20,000
Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka 12,000
limb fracture North Shore, Оаху 3,750
Kuta, Bali 2,250
Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka 1000

These data are for informational purposes only and may vary significantly depending on the specific injury and clinic.

Online Purchase of Surfing Travel Insurance with Sport Travelling

On the sandy beach there are a lot of surfboards and in the foreground there are a lot of signs where you can surf with different levels of fitness

Due to a calculator on the website, you can know the preliminary cost of the insurance policy. You can get a contract online within several minutes. So, you needn’t visit the insurance company office to buy a policy.

You can get the cost of a policy from an insurance agent, who will draw up a valid contract and provide for all the insured events covered by surfing travel insurance.


Why do I need to be insured for surfing?

Surfing is one of the most dangerous sports. Surfers risk not only their health but also a life while surfing. That’s why it’s necessary to buy surfing insurance.

Do I need to make separate insurance if I have travel insurance?

If you have travel insurance, add extra options to the contract to compensate if an insured event happens while surfing.

Do I need to make separate insurance if I have travel insurance?

Surfing travel insurance costs depend on a tourists’ age, insurance period, country, and other factors.

Sport Travelling